In alignment with the Innocenti Declaration, the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child
Feeding (IYCF), and the subsequent World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions, the Bangladesh
Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF) has integrated these global principles into its core mission. BBF
strives to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and maternal
nutrition by implementing initiatives tailored to the specific needs and challenges of
Bangladesh. These missions aim to improve the health and well-being of children and mothers
across the country, adhering to both national and international guidelines, while also following
the latest WHA resolutions to support infant and young child nutrition.
1. Promote Colostrum Feeding and Universal Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF): Ensure that
all newborns receive colostrum and promote exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first
six months (180 days). BBF advocates for breastfeeding within the first hour of birth and
supports continued breastfeeding for at least two years, aligning with both international
standards and national health priorities.
2. Timely Introduction of Complementary Feeding (CF): Encourage the timely introduction
of appropriate, safe, and locally available complementary foods after six months of
exclusive breastfeeding. This approach ensures that children receive essential nutrition
for growth and development through locally sourced, homemade complementary
Assist the government in
monitoring and enforcing the BMS law and associated regulations, ensuring compliance
with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. These safeguards
breastfeeding from inappropriate promotion and marketing of breast milk substitutes,
in line with WHA resolutions.
Facilitate the exchange of knowledge, skills, and experiences among
national and international participants to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding
(BF), complementary feeding (CF), and maternal nutrition (MN). These efforts are
guided by global strategies, as well as the latest WHA resolutions, to enhance child and
maternal health.
Fusce urna augue, volutpat quis pharetra nec, fringilla a enim. Etiam dapibus accumsan libero vehicula vestibulum. Nunc justo augue, vehicula vel mauris id, blandit laoreet urna. Integer placerat euismod lorem vitae viverra. Sed cursus est justo, quis consequat est lacinia id. Praesent semper pulvinar sollicitudin.
Morbi ultrices consequat viverra. Nullam leo felis, dignissim vitae blandit pharetra, volutpat ut leo. In iaculis lacus vel porta vestibulum. Pellentesque ac est iaculis, tincidunt sem nec, auctor lacus. Maecenas enim arcu, facilisis ut mauris vitae, efficitur consequat dui.