Mother Support Groups (MSGs) and Community Engagement
May 1, 2011 @ 10:00 am - December 31, 2030 @ 4:00 pm
Mother Support Groups (MSGs) and Community Engagement
BBF has conducted research on the effectiveness of Mother Support Groups (MSGs) in improving breastfeeding and nutrition outcomes at the community level. Key findings include:
The impact of peer support and community-based interventions on promoting exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding.
The role of MSGs in enhancing maternal and child health education, improving healthcare access, and reducing malnutrition.
The contribution of MSGs to improving nutritional status across the life cycle, providing ongoing support for women, children, adolescents, and the elderly, and delivering targeted interventions through the life cycle approach to ensure optimal nutrition and health at every stage of life.
Unique, cost-effective, and sustainable strategy: MSGs provide a self-help approach that empowers community members to address malnutrition and health challenges. These groups are linked to Community Support Groups (CSGs) and Community Clinics (CCs) within the government health system, creating a collaborative network for effective, long-term solutions to improve nutrition and health outcomes at the community level.