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Composition of the Board of Trustees of Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation for the term of 2018-2019

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Senior Scientist, CHAIRPERSON, BOT 

Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF)

E-mail: skroy1950@gmail.com

Dr. S. K. Roy (Born 1950) is the International Senior Scientist, Chairperson BOT of Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation and Nutrition Foundation of Bangladesh and Professor of the Nutrition and Food science Department, University of South Asia and the author of many publications on the history of science.

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He is Ph.D. in Nutrition from University of London (1987-1990); FRCP from Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (2008); Diploma on Food, Nutrition, Biotechnology & Poverty (1984 – 1985) and M.Sc. in Human Nutrition (1983-1984) and MBBS (1973) from University of Dhaka.

Dr. Roy has made significant contribution to the advancement of nutrition movement in Bangladesh with special emphasis of the concept that food security is as important as health care to ensure national development. Such concept was advanced with coordination between the Ministry of Agriculture, MO food and MOHFW through development process of nutrition programs and policies, such as Food Policy, Country Investment Plan and Health Policy of Bangladesh. He has played a mediator role in all interdepartmental and ministerial meeting to bring the nutrition security though access to food and health care as well as preventive approaches to health and nutrition. His work for child nutrition has been widely known through developing local complementary foods for children and having sustainable solution. Recent engagement with FAO Bangladesh through development of 35 recipes for complementary feeding in Bangladesh has emerged as a new land mark in history of complementary feeding. He has advocated continuously that Food sector, and FAO has as much as role in complementary feeding and food security of children as UNICEF and WHO for Breastfeeding and child health to ensure optimum nutrition.  As General Secretary of the Nutrition Society of Bangladesh, he had the Honorable Prime Minister as Chief Guest in National Nutrition Conference where the first Nutrition Policy of Bangladesh was agreed.

S.K. Roy had significant role in diagnosis and management of acute and persistent diarrhea in developing countries of the world. He is the first person who discovered the impact of zinc in diarrhea in the world. For his invaluable scientific researches as a moving force at the ICDDRB paving the way in the identification of the benefits of zinc which led to the current global recommendation on zinc supplementation in acute diarrhea that resulted in significant impact on child survival and for his continuing efforts to the improvement of nutritional status of malnourished children, adolescent and mothers. In recognition of his contribution, he received an international award from 13th ASCODD Organizing Committee (2012). Now the Government of Bangladesh has scaled up zinc supplementation in the whole country through special program under National Nutrition Services (NNS).

He is an internationally recognized Scientist; his interests are nutrition, ranging from molecular science and public health policy to the history of nutrition. During last four decades, as a distinguished Scientist, Philosopher and activist for advancement of  Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding, Complementary feeding and Maternal Nutrition. He has spearheaded the IYCF movement by involving the Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh for inaugurating the WBW for consecutive 3 years 2009 to 2011.  He got approval to 6 months maternity leave in Bangladesh with pay, establishing day care centers, and appointing nutritionists in all hospitals in Bangladesh.  IYCF movement in Bangladesh caused ground for getting MDG 4 award by the Prime Minister from WHO.

Among his two hundreds of publications, many have been translated into global policy and programs such major papers as Impact of zinc supplementation on intestinal permeability in Bangladeshi children with acute diarrhea and persistent syndrome (J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1992; 15:289-96), Production of safe therapeutic feeds from contaminated water supplies- (Research letters-The lancet. Vol357. May 19, 2001); Intensive Nutrition Education with or without Supplementary Feeding Improves the Nutritional Status of Moderately malnourished Children in Bangladesh. (J Health Popul Nutr 2005.dec 23(4):320-330); Prevention of malnutrition among young children in rural Bangladesh by a food–health-care educational intervention: A randomized controlled trial; Food and Nutrition Bulletin; January 2008; vol 28 (4); 375-383.

Also he is an eminent member of global policy makers in nutrition movement. He has made concerted efforts on nutrition by involving various relevant Ministries for Breastfeeding and nutrition movement in Bangladesh. He is organizer of many international and national scientific conferences. He has worldwide recognition for his innovative science leading to human benefits and development. His Achievement of policy issues publications implemented nationally and internationally.

Dr. S. K. Roy has a passion to reduce maternal malnutrition and reduce low birth weight babies, and such work has been done and published internationally with a tremendous reduction of LBW which needs immediate scaling up in Bangladesh.  Many of his research output has been applied nationally and internationally as he is able to communicate and convince the policy make with his interpersonal skills , knowledge, vision and leadership quality.

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[/mpc_icon_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][mpc_icon_column title=”Prof. Dr. Saria Tasnim” mpc_icon__icon_type=”image” mpc_icon__icon_image=”6889″ mpc_icon__border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__hover_border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_css=”border-color:undefined;border-style:undefined;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”]

Secretary, BOT, BBF & Head of Dept. (Gyne and Obs.)
Dhaka Community Medical College Hospital

E-mail: sariatasnim2007@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Saria Tasnim is Head of Dept. (Gyne and Obs.), Dhaka Community Medical College Hospital and acts as Secretary, BOT, BBF.She holds MBBS degree from Dhaka Medical College, FCPS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Bangladesh College of Physician & Surgeon, Diploma in Medical Education from University of Dundee, Scotland, MS in Medical Education from University of Dundee, Scotland and Diploma in Community Epidemiology from Imperial College, UK.

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Her latest publications on Psychosocial and Biomedical Factors for Prediction of Preeclampsia, OKetani Training Enhancement Project, Determinants of Intrapartum Related Stillbirth and Early Neonatal Deaths, Medico-social dimensions of menopause in women, Analysis of Predisposing factors and Outcome of Preterm Birth, Adoption of standard guidelines for improvement of quality of reproductive health care in the facility, An exploration of gender distribution, clinical profile, associated factors including pregnancy and health seeking behaviors of adult tuberculosis patient, Community trial to determine impact of home based skilled attendant service on selected indicators of safe Motherhood, Optimizing delivery care at the community: Acceptability and utilization of community based skilled birth attendant service in rural Bangladesh, Community trial of reproductive health education and adolescent friendly services for improving adolescent health.

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[/mpc_icon_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][mpc_icon_column title=”Prof. Dr. Begum Sharifun Naher” mpc_icon__icon_type=”image” mpc_icon__icon_image=”6892″ mpc_icon__border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__hover_border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_css=”border-color:undefined;border-style:undefined;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”]

Member of BOT, BBF & , Head of Dept. (Neonatology)
Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital

E-mail: sharifun1961@gmail.com


Prof. Dr. Begum Sharifun Naher holds MBBS, BCS, FCPS (Paed), MD (DU) degree. She got training in Neonatology (Japan). She is a Child Health Specialist and Asst. Professor (Paed), Sir Solimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital.

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She is a member of Board of Trustees, BBF. Besides the clinical practices she has strong skills on teaching and training, project management, leadership, promoting public health, fund raising, and negotiation and influencing. She has been providing training to the professionals, students and service providers to boost up their skills and efficiency. She carried out extensive research and development works and published outcome. She has published lot of peer-reviewed scientific articles in national and international journals. She is proficient in all areas relating to computing, report writing, peer reviewing and editing of scientific papers and projects. She is highly skilled in coordination, presentation and communication.

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[/mpc_icon_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][mpc_icon_column title=”Khandker Md. Rezaul Haque” mpc_icon__icon_type=”image” mpc_icon__icon_image=”6895″ mpc_icon__border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__hover_border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_css=”border-color:undefined;border-style:undefined;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”]

Member of BOT, BBF &

Former Deputy Chief of Party, USAID/NHSDP

E-mail: k_haque2@yahoo.com

Dr. Khandker Md. Rezaul Haque is an expert in the areas of Nutrition, Primary Health Care, Community Eye Care, WATSAN, Maternal-Newborn-Child-Adolescent Health, Reproductive Health, and HIV. He has over 3 decades of experience in designing, implementation, capacity building and evaluation of different programs and projects.

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He has designed multi countries projects on reproductive health (RH) for NGOs in Indonesia, Thailand, and Bangladesh, managed RH capacity building projects with 80 NGOs in Bangladesh, and oversaw Health, nutrition and Program activities for a district RH capacity building project in Uganda. He has provided management and technical support to the CARE components of Network for Health RH Project in Armenia, as well as provided technical and management direction to the nutrition, medical and health aspects for emergency program in Sudan and Sierra Leone, as well for disaster victims in Bangladesh. As the Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP), Khandker Haque has provided overall direction to the essential nutrition, family planning and reproductive health service delivery component of a 4 year USAID/NHSDP to its program operation, implementation research, technical team, advocacy, partnership, BCC, NGO financing, NGO grants management, and capacity building of partner NGOs in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. He has provided consultancy services to health and nutrition programs and activities for reputed organizations, such as BNNC-CARE Bangladesh-DEVCOM, HEU-MoH&FW-Shushilan, NIPORT-ICF-ACPR, LD AMC (GoB-DGHS)-EAA, HEU (MoH&FW)-Save the Children, UNICEF, Sight Savers International, Plan International, JICA, VSO Bangladesh and Concern Worldwide. He has taught postgraduate and undergraduate students in nutrition (INFS-DU) and community medicine/ public health (AWMC, GSVMC) and designed and implemented Community Health and Nutrition Training for NGO medical, paramedical and supervisory staff. Dr. Haque holds master degree in Public Health (MSc: Public Health in Developing Countries, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK), Medical Education (MHPEd-Master of Health Personnel Education, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), postgraduate Certificate in Population Education (Chicago University, USA), postgraduate Diploma in Journalism (University of Dacca) and a Medical degree (MB BS–Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Rajshahi Medical College, Bangladesh).

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[/mpc_icon_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][mpc_icon_column title=”Dr. Tofail Md. Alamgir Azad” mpc_icon__icon_type=”image” mpc_icon__icon_image=”6899″ mpc_icon__border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__hover_border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_css=”border-color:undefined;border-style:undefined;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”]

Member of BOT, BBF &
Senior Communication Expert, Ujjiban, USAID

E-mail: tofail.azad@gmail.com

Dr. Tofail Md. Alamgir Azad, M.Sc., MPH, PhD is a manager and working for more than 23 years at different level at different capacities in Government of Bangladesh, International and National NGOs with an aim to consolidate more erudition in the field of development and to contribute understanding, expertise and ideas for the better livelihoods of the poor peoples through right-based approach.

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Dr. Tofail Md. Alamgir Azad has been awarded the degree of “Doctor of Philosophy”, Master of Science (M.Sc) and Master of Public Health degree from the University of Rajshahi and NIPSOM under the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
As a development expert provided services to Government of Bangladesh (GOB), Grammen Kalayan (GK), Plan International, Dushtha Syasthya Kendra (DSK) and Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), Bangladesh Centre for Communication Programs (BCCP) and also offered expertise to Southeast Asia, East Africa and East Europe and America.
Acquired combine strong analytical, and management skills with expertise in participatory appraisal, strategic planning, operations and program management, urban & rural poverty, livelihood, food and nutrition security, market development, project design & review, policy advocacy and analysis, research, evaluation and integrated rural development. Played a key role in strategizing as well as implementing social mobilization and behavior change communication tools and practices among and between Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), GOB, NGOs and INGOs. Dr. Azad had more than 20 scientific researches in his credit and member of twelve professional organizations associations and some of them are led by him. Dr. Tofail Md. Alamgir Azad has good qualities of leadership incisive intelligence and constant endeavor for creating a forward looking on progress and development.

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Vice Chairperson, BOT, BBF &
National Nutrition Advisor, FAO, Dhaka.

E-mail: drmannan2004@yahoo.com

Mohammad Abdul Mannan, PHD in nutrition (DU), MCN (UQ), M.Sc. in Biochemistry (DU), B.Sc. (DU), RPHNutr (UK); was a Registered Public Health Nutritionist in the United Kingdom.

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Currently he is the Nutrition Policy Advisor of ‘Meeting the Undernutrition Challenge’ program of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Bangladesh. He has been serving as a Vice Chairperson of BOT, BBF. Dr. Mannan accomplished senior level professional works in management and administration, research and development, monitoring and evaluation for more than 30 years. Successfully contributed to develop food and nutrition policy of Bangladesh, plan of action for nutrition and programmes on food security, food safety and nutrition and implemented, monitored and evaluated them. He involved in the coordination of health and nutrition program activities with different stakeholders. Proactively worked for eradication of micronutrient malnutrition including iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), problems due to vitamin A deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia and improving infant and young child activities in Bangladesh. He has strong skills on teaching and training, project management, leadership, promoting public health, fund raising, and negotiation and influencing. He has been providing training to the professionals, mid-level managers, students and service providers to boost up their skills and efficiency. He successfully negotiated with donors and development partners for raising funds. Carried out extensive research and development works and published outcome. He has proven leadership and analytical skills involving managing, developing, empowering and inspiring other team members. He could develop relationship of trust among the partner organizations and stakeholders. He possesses strong interpersonal and diplomatic skills, tact and judgment. He is proficient in all areas relating to computing, report writing, peer reviewing and editing of scientific papers and projects. Highly skilled in coordination, presentation and communication. He has been contributing as chairperson, co-chairperson, key-note speaker, oral and poster presenter in many seminars, workshops and conferences held in USA, UK, France, Austria, Australia, Thailand, India, South Korea, Philippines and Bangladesh.

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Treasurer, BOT, BBF &

Chief Adviser, Connect Consulting Limited (CCL)

E-mail: ishtiaquezaman@gmail.com

Ishtiaque Zaman, PhD has more than 35 years of diverse and rich international professional experiences in Government Service, International Organization, Charitable Institute, Teaching, Research, etc. He worked as an international professional (international civil servant) at icddrb as Head, External Relations and Institutional Development Department.

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He was tasked to present an improved profile and image of icddrb and to ensure increased resource generation. He led a multinational team with distinction in creating an accessible icddrb to the media by putting in place a first-rate communications team. He was the Project Director and Team Leader of a large multi-year research project involving icddrb and the Bangladesh Government’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Earlier, he worked in the capacity of General Manager in Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). He was most recently the Managing Director and CEO of MIDAS. Dr. Zaman started his professional career in the Bangladesh Civil Service in the Administrative Cadre in 1981 and was at the top 2% of the successful candidates in the nationwide Superior Service Examination. He began his career as an Assistant Commissioner and also performed duties as a Magistrate. Dr. Zaman obtained PhD from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. He specializes on Negotiating strategies, especially on turning adversities into advantages. He also had the experience of teaching undergraduate International Relations Courses at the California State University, Dominguez Hills as Lecturer and advanced undergraduate International Relations Courses at the University level in the United States. He has been an international consultant for USAID/Washington, European Union/Brussels, DFID/UK, among others. He is a regular Guest Speaker at the Foreign Service Academy, Dhaka for Foreign Service Cadre officers, and at BPATC, Savar, BCS Administration Academy, Shahbagh, Planning Academy, Nilkhet for Civil Service Cadre officers for the past twenty-five years. Dr Zaman has been a Board member of the Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF) since 2013. He was the District Governor of Rotary International in Bangladesh in 2012-13. Currently, Dr Zaman is involved with Connect Consulting Limited (CCL) as its Chief Adviser.

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Member of BOT, BBF & Assistant Professor
Dept. of Food and Nutriton, College of Home Economics

E-mail: moffashara.05@gmail.com

Mofasshara Sultana Ratna holds M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees in Food and Nutrition from University of Dhaka. Currently she works as an Assistant Professor of Department of Food and Nutrition at College of Home Economics, Azimpur, Dhaka.

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She has a great expertise and experience in research sector. She has lot of publications in international refereed journals. She also supervises thesis students of Food and Nutrition department in every year. She is a member of Board of Trustees of BBF since Fiscal Year 2015-16.

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[/mpc_icon_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][mpc_icon_column title=”Dr. A.M.R Chowdhury” mpc_icon__icon_type=”image” mpc_icon__icon_image=”6896″ mpc_icon__border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__hover_border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_css=”border-color:undefined;border-style:undefined;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”]

Member of BOT, BBF & Vice-Chairperson
BRAC and Member of the Board of Trustees, BRAC University

E-mail: Childcare1952@gmail.com

Dr. Ahmed Mushtaque Raza Chowdhury is a Bangladeshi development worker, researcher, academic and micro-philanthropist. He holds a PhD from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, an MSc from the London School of Economics and a BA (Hon’s) in Statistics from Dhaka University. 

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He has published nearly 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles in national and international journals. He received several awards and accolades including the prestigious “Medical Award of Excellence” bestowed by the Chicago-based Ronald McDonald House Charities in 2017 and has been honored by The Lancet for his contribution to global health in 2013. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of BBF. He is a founder of the Bangladesh Education Watch and Bangladesh Health Watch, two civil society watch-dogs. He is on the boards and committees of a number of important organizations and initiatives. He spent about four decades with BRAC, the world’s largest NGO. He was its Vice Chair, Executive Director, founding director of the Research and Evaluation Division (now merged with the Graduate Institutes of BRAC University) and the founding dean of the James P. Grant School of Public Health. Currently, he is an Adviser to the James P. Grant School of Public Health at BRAC University. He is also a professor of Population and Family Health at Columbia University in New York. He also worked as the senior adviser and acting managing director at the Rockefeller Foundation and as a fellow at Harvard University.

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Member of BOT, BBF &
Director Research and Senior Consultant Pediatrician, CWCH

E-mail: khurshidtalukder@yahoo.co.uk


Dr. Khurshid Talukder is Senior Consultant, Paediatrician and Research Coordinator at Centre for Woman and Child Health, Ashulia. He holds MBBS degree from Dhaka Medical College Hospital, DCH in Paediatrics from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, MRCP (UK) Paediatrics from Royal College of Physicians (London).

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He is expert in areas of Paediatrics, Nutrition and Public Health. In his professional life he does several works at the field of research, clinical practices, teaching, training and supervision, quality control, policy and administrative, nutrition and on various specialties. He has several works and publications in national and international journals on new type of rickets (calcium deficiency rickets) determine, assess the nutritional status of adolescents in a rural area of Bangladesh, Health determinants of school performance – anthropometry, hemoglobin, stool helminthic load, school performance assessment in rural Bangladeshi primary schools, assessment (qualitative and quantitative) of risk and protective factors of urban adolescent risk behavior (smoking, drugs, sex and violence), Baseline and mid-term evaluation of health, nutrition and demographic survey in both rural and urban slum settings, Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding, health, nutrition and demographic survey of garments workers, Mother and Child Nutrition Survey, Body composition outcomes in new-born after macronutrient supplementation of their malnourished pregnant mothers etc.

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[/mpc_icon_column][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][mpc_icon_column title=”Prof. Soofia Khatoon” mpc_icon__icon_type=”image” mpc_icon__icon_image=”6888″ mpc_icon__border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__hover_border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_css=”border-color:undefined;border-style:undefined;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”]

Vice Chairperson, BOT, BBF &
Head of Dept. (Pediatrics), CWCH

E-mail: soofia_icmh@yahoo.com

Prof. Soofia Khatoon is head of the department of Paediatrics at Centre for Woman and Child Health (CWCH), Savar. She acts as a Vice Chairperson of BOT, BBF.

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She completed MHPED (Master of Health Personnel Education) in Evaluation of program, Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching Skills, Media development, Research in education from University of New South Wales, Australia; fellowship in Neonatology from Hospital for Sick Children, University of Edinburgh, U.K; FCPS in Paediatrics form Bangladesh College of Physician & Surgeon and completed MBBS degree from Dhaka Medical College. She is an expert trainer of Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) programme, Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), Helping babies to breathe, Essential newborn care, Childhood tuberculosis, IYCF management (OGSB), Teaching methodology and curriculum development (CME), Writing Dissertation (BCPS), Management of common childhood illness (ICMH), Community IMCI and Early childhood development. She has several publications in national and international journal on Fever in Malignant Diseases of Childhood, Clinical and Bacteriological profile of Neonatal Septicaemia and their outcome, Neonatal Jaundice, Changing Trends in the presentations and treatment of Enteric Fever, Serum immunoglobulin profiles of septicemic versus healthy neonate, Subependymal/ Intraventricular Haemorrhage in the neonates, Exchange transfusion in the newborn, Evaluation of Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Training Programme, Evaluation of Hospitalized Infants and Young Children with Bronchiolitis, Efficacy of fortified procaine penicillin in the treatment of severe Pneumonia in under 5 children, The Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B virus among children, deficiency among icteric newborn, Risk of vomiting or regurgitation in the initiation of Zinc treatment for acute childhood diarrhea, congenital heart diseases and their surgical outcome, Etiologes and outcome of respiratory distress in newborn, Complementary Feeding Manual development for Bangladesh, National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP) 2013 etc.

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[/mpc_icon_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][mpc_icon_column title=”Syeda Afrose Jahan Mousumi” mpc_icon__icon_type=”image” mpc_icon__icon_image=”6890″ mpc_icon__border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__hover_border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_css=”border-color:undefined;border-style:undefined;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”]

Member of BOT, BBF & Associate Professor
Dept. of Food and Nutrition, National College of Home Economics.

E-mail: mousumijaima@gmail.com

Syed Afroze Jahan Moushumi received M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees in Food and Nutrition from University of Dhaka with the position of 1st Class 1st.

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Currently she works as an Associate Professor of Department of Food and Nutrition at National College of Home Economics and served as an acting Head of the department for four years. She has a great expertise and experience in research sector. She has four publications in international refereed journals. She also supervises thesis students of Food and Nutrition department in every year. She is a member of Board of Trustees of BBF since Fiscal Year 2015-16.

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[/mpc_icon_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][mpc_icon_column title=”Prof. Dr. Monisha Banarjee” mpc_icon__icon_type=”image” mpc_icon__icon_image=”6894″ mpc_icon__border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__hover_border_css=”border-radius:100px;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_css=”border-color:undefined;border-style:undefined;” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”]

Member of BOT, BBF & Head of Department (Neonatology)
Dhaka Medical College Hospital

E-mail: banerjee.manisha@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Monisha Banarjee is Professor & Head, Department of Neonatology, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka. She holds MBBS degree from Sher-e-Bangla Medical College, Barishal, MD (Pediatrics) from IPGMR, Dhaka University, MD (Neonatology) from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.

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She has been working in Dhaka Medical College Hospital from 2006. She has published lot of peer-reviewed scientific articles in national and international journals. She is a member of Board of Trustees, BBF. Besides the clinical practices she has strong skills on teaching and training, project management, leadership, promoting public health, fund raising, and negotiation and influencing. She has been providing training to the professionals, students and service providers to boost up their skills and efficiency. She carried out extensive research and development works and published outcome. She has published lot of peer-reviewed scientific articles in national and international journals. She is proficient in all areas relating to computing, report writing, peer reviewing and editing of scientific papers and projects. She is highly skilled in coordination, presentation and communication.

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Member of BOT, BBF &
Emeritus Scientist, ICDDRB

E-mail: nalam@icddrb.org


Dr. Nurul Alam is an Emeritus Scientist of Initiative for Climate Change and Health, Health Systems and Population Studies Division, icddr,b. He is a member of BOT, BBF, and also a member of the Ethical Review Committee of icddr,b and member of the National Research Ethics Committee (NERC), Bangladesh Medical Research Council.

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He holds PhD and M.S degree in Medical Demography from University of London (LSHTM), UK and also completed B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Statistics from Chittahong University. He carried out extensive research and development works and published outcome and he successfully negotiated with donors and development partners for raising funds. He has extensive experience in data management and analyses of large data sets, using STATA and SPSS. As a scientist he has several works on  epidemiologic transitions, migration and urbanization, chronic diseases and healthcare-seeking behavior, poverty and food security, adolescent and adult mortality and morbidity, gender and socioeconomic inequalities morbidity and mortality, fertility transition, healthcare-seeking behaviour, health system research, women’s empowerment, domestic violence and justice-seeking behavior, health and well-being of women and children, children’s diarrhoea morbidity, anthropometry and household sanitation practices etc. He has been involved in a number of training courses as one of the course directors/faculty members on: Health and Demographic Surveillance System and Longitudinal Data Analysis”.

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